Monday, February 16, 2015

Levi's First 3 Months!

I can't believe my little bubba is 3 months old already! My blogging has been slacking so hoping this post isn't too long. I mainly will use it as more intimate means of sharing my favorite pics and memories of him so far.

My maternity leave went by way too fast. I returned to work on January 19th. The first week was HARD. I had a bunch of irrational fears that he wouldn't remember that I was his momma. However, I was relieved after our first weekend back together again since we were able to have some quality bonding time.

It's crazy how much the little guy has grown and developed already. He started a few random social smiles around 8 weeks old, but by 10 weeks he really learned how to cheese. I love his huge smile. It melts my heart. Also around 2 months he did a few random rolls from tummy to back but it's not a consistent feat yet. Right about when I returned to work he started really showing interest in sitting up on his own. He also started to stand in the exersaucer which is fun to watch. His cooing is adorable and I love making him giggle. He recently also started grabbing a lot. He has always grasped (and pulled out) my hair, but now his grasps seem to have an intention.

Some of Levi's favorite things are:

  • Bath time! He loves his baths. I love the little reaction I get when first putting him in the water. I clean his gums each time with a wet wash cloth and this, for some reason, has become his favorite part of bath time. I swear he signals with his hand that he wants the wash cloth and once I give it to him he is one happy camper. Bath time is the one thing that always soothes him. Once he hears that water turn on he can go from shrill cries to complete calmness.
  • Walks! Levi and I went for a walk every day when I was on maternity leave, weather permitting. He loves to stare at the trees and his eyes get really big when we walk under one. He also gets bug eyes when we come back in from the sunlight. It's the cutest thing. During Christmas time we listened to Christmas tunes on our walk. He likes music like his daddy. When Daddy walks with us we usually listen to classic rock.
  • Cuddling with Momma! We do a lot of this. No lie, he cuddles in bed with me almost every night and it's my favorite thing.
  • Baby Carrier! Levi loves it when I hold and carry him in his Moby Wrap (up until 15 lbs) and now his Beco Gemini baby carrier.
  • Books! He loves books. I mean LOVES books! His favorites so far are "I'll Love You Forever", "The Very Hungry Caterpillar", "Where the Wild Things Are" and his Baby Sign Language book. He gets a kick out of me doing the different signs for him, especially the sign for Puppy and Water.
  • Sully & Lady! He is just starting to really pay attention to them, but they love to give him kisses and Lady is very protective of him on our walks.
  • Pink Floyd! David swears he loves Pink Floyd and it soothes him.
  • Getting out! He likes going places with Daddy and Momma. Some of his favorite places are Home Depot, HEB, Piola, Saltgrass and restaurants in general (he's actually been to Twin Peaks already too). We used to put him in the shopping carts in his car seat, but now I have found that the best way to take him inside places is by putting him in my Beco Gemini baby carrier. He loves it and so does Momma! It makes going through the grocery store much more manageable.
  • Oh and how could I forget - Eating! This little guy is an eater. He is 3 months in 6 month clothing and could wear some 9 and 12 month clothing (particularly to fit his belly area).
We've had a few challenges with Levi with his gas issues, but other than that he is a very happy baby. We have loved learning about him and seeing his personality evolve. He is a sweet little boy and makes me so happy. He does make Momma tired though so that is something I'm still getting used to.

We have had a few nights where he slept 8-9 hours straight and last night he went a full 11 hours! WHOA! I needed the rest so those nice long nights seem to come at the right time! This last week was his first week sleeping in his crib in his room and not his cradle in our room. It has been going well so far so I hope it keeps up that way.

Another cool thing we discovered since he has been in his own room is his birdie friend. In the mornings we bring Levi into our room. The past few mornings after bringing him into our room we have heard tapping in Levi's room through the baby monitor and had no clue what it could be since everyone was in the master. David went to check it out this morning and there was a pretty red cardinal tapping on Levi's window. David scared him away the first time but then he came back. It's the same sound I have heard the last 2 mornings and didn't know what it was. Looks like Levi has a little nature friend that likes to visit him when the sun comes up.

I was hoping to organize my favorite pictures better throughout my blog post but I am just trying to get this done in time before he wakes up. So... here are my favorite pics from his first 3 months of life.

Meeting Nonno for the first time

Nonna and Nonno when he came home from the hospital

GiGi holding Levi for the first time!

Uncle Michael's first visit

Aunt Courtney & Uncle Nick! They brought us Killen's BBQ which was sweet of them and delicious!

Proud Pawpaw holding Levi for the first time!

Cookie & Levi for the first time

Unkie & Levi :)

Levi's first Monday Night Football!

First crib nap

First Halloween! Man, was he little!

Meeting Uncle Brandon!

Tired Momma

Meeting Nana

Our Little Family

In the handmade outfit my boss game me from Puerto Rico

One of his first baths in his big boy bath tub! No more sponge baths!

He loves his GiGi

Thug Life

What do you think about me turning 1 Month Old Momma?

Cute gift from Pawpaw and Cookie!

1 Month Old

First Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Family Photo

Watching the Aggies play

First Daddy Bottle

Flying in his sleep

Puppy Love

One of my favorite outfits


Best Buds

Baby Mario Batali


Excited about turning 2 Months Old!

Daddy & Baby Track Suits

Keeping Daddy's Spot Warm

Our first time out at a restaurant with him! Piola!!

Excited to be out together again!

Our delicious food! Gnocchi Bolognese & some yummy pizza (forgot the name)

Meeting Uncle Colton on NYE

3 Month Old! Where has the time gone?

I have to give a BIG shout out to my mom here. She has been taking care of Levi since I've been back at work. Levi loves his Nonna and is so lucky to have her. Momma loves it too because she gets multiple daily updates and can rest assured that he is in good hands. 

All of our family has really been there for us throughout this experience! We are so lucky to have great people in our lives that truly love us and our newest addition, little Levi!