Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Baby Sanders 36 Weeks!!!

Today marks 36 weeks pregnant!! I have been horrible about updating my blog but have felt either extremely busy or extremely tired lately.

The last 6 or so weeks I have had 3 more baby showers, Levi has grown to over 6 lbs., he was breech but found out today that he has turned head down and I'm already 1 cm dilated!!! Dr. O still wants me to have him @ 38 weeks so if he stays heads down I will go to the hospital on the 22nd to get things started. I can't wait to meet him. 

As far as my GD goes, I've been seeing 3 doctors (Dr. O, Dr. Kirshon and my endocrinologist Dr. Harbison). There was some concern at first that my fluid levels looked high, but since then it has been smooth sailing. Over these past 3 weeks, I have gone to the doctor(s) weekly and gotten weekly ultrasounds. Starting last week I've also had to do NST screening at the hospital to monitor little guy's heart rate. I swear he knows that is what they are doing and puts on a performance each time; he moves so much!

So in just 2 weeks he will make his big debut!! I'm nervous and anxious and excited all at the same time.

His baby room is pretty much complete. I just need his mattress really to finish his crib and then I'll take some good pics.

Since it's been so long since I've blogged, I'm pretty much going to put up a bunch of pics and let them tell the story.. but I will do my questionnaire..

How far along: 36 weeks
Total weight gain: 40 lbs
Maternity clothes: My wardrobe is limited, let's just say that.
Stretch marks: None so far...still
Sleep: Actually been better! Even though my hips still hurt I am able to sleep soundly through most of the night.
Best moment of this week: Doing my NST screen and hearing his strong heart beat!
Miss anything: Being able to bend over to pick up things I drop.
Movement: A lot, especially recently. I felt him flip from breech to head down... crazy feeling.
Food cravings: Reese's pieces
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender: BOY!!!
Labor signs: I had 1 contraction today according to the NST
Belly button in or out: In!!!
Wedding rings on or off: On 
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy and demanding.
Looking forward to: Finishing all the details of his room and finally meeting the little guy.
So glad he cooperated. We got some great pics of this cute little dude.



SAN ANTONIO SHOWER ON SEPTEMBER 20 HOSTED BY MY MOM, BROTHER AND SISTER. It was a cute nautical theme. I was so impressed with the creativity and we had a great turn out!


 Some other fun things we have been doing over the last few weeks.

Life with Baby Class

Just in case...

Courtney's Surprise 30th Bday!
This looks a little too natural on him..

The Birthday Gal!


JAMMING OUT @ LEVI'S 1st CONCERT! We even got him a T-shirt!

The guys..

Levi and Momma

Meeting Baby Carson! So cute

Lady decided she was done with her feather pillow one day..

A&M game!!!!


My little Princess!!!
The cute decor and delicious snacks at my Friendswood shower!
Amanda, Jennifer, Aunt Julie, Mrs. Vanackeren and Ms. Swindells
Everyone is so focused on the baby game - we had to guess the price of certain baby items
Lots of presents!
Debbie, Mom, Me & Kendall - the awesome hostesses!

Family pic from my last shower on OCT 5 which was super cute and amazing thanks to Debbie, Kendall and Laura!!! I