Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Baby Sanders 20 to 21 Weeks!

I've been really bad lately.. I skipped 19 weeks and am just now posting my 20 week update when I am actually 21 weeks today. 

20 weeks was an exciting marker for us! It was crazy (and a little scary) to know that I was already halfway through my pregnancy. It made me a little sad because I have really enjoyed my pregnancy so far and like having the little guy with me all the time. 

Right before I turned 20 weeks we had dinner with the Hayfords and we really enjoyed getting to see little Samuel (funny moment of the night - when Samuel tried to get some milk from David). I felt relieved after visiting their house and seeing how we are really going to use all the stuff we register for. It made it a little less overwhelming ... but I am still trying to finish our registry and sometimes there are just too many options!

Here is my pic and status update from 20 weeks. 

How far along: 20 weeks
Total weight gain: 12 lbs
Maternity clothes: Definitely need to make another shopping trip. One of my non-maternity skirts I was getting away with no longer fits... I almost cried :( I found some cute new dresses at Dillard's though! 
Stretch marks: None so far
Sleep: This has been hard for me lately. I can't seem to get comfortable. I'm not supposed to sleep on my back but it's the only position that doesn't cause pain. Right now I try to keep myself on my side with my Snoogle pillow and a few other pillows surrounding my body. I pretty much take up 3/4 of the bed... sorry David.
Best moment of this week: Feeling the baby move a lot more frequently. He likes dinner time! (non-pregnancy related-- watching Season 2 of Orange is the New Black)
Miss anything: My shoe size!!! I went shoe shopping and had to buy an 8.5 shoe!!! I'm just going to blame it on the shoe running small :)
Movement: Quite a bit these days!
Food cravings: BBQ and white chocolate macadamia nut cookies this week. I blame the BBQ baked potato craving on Jennifer :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender: BOY!!!
Labor signs: Nope
Belly button in or out: In!!!
Wedding rings on or off: On 
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy this week!
Looking forward to: Figuring out a name for him!
Other fun stuff around the 20 week mark:
Lady has learned how comfy the couch is

This room will soon be filled with baby stuff

They love each other

Cookie time on the carpet! Finally trusted Lady enough to put it back down

The BBQ baked potato I was craving

Lady and Sully's new dog bowls finally came in!

Now for my 21 week update!!! 

This has been a pretty crazy week. We are in the midst of our garage renovation and we also had Lady spayed on Friday :(

She looked pathetic when we picked her up with her cone around her neck, but a few days later and she is back to normal. The vet sent us home with some doggie tranquilizers making it a point to tell us to use them since Lady is such a "crazy" puppy (and she is crazy.... dog has been eating drywall lately. I'm about to submit her to the "my strange addiction" show). 

Don't feel too bad for her though... she was hand fed the first few days, was served water out of a ramekin and has had lots of treats! 

Our garage renovation is going well. So far we have had windows and a new door installed, laid plywood down for the attic, had insulation installed and drywall put up. David is now priming and painting and finishing the floors. We will call the contractor one last time to finish out the trim work, install some doors and the attic ladder and build/install some cabinets. It's been a huge task but will hopefully be worth all the work and money in the end. Luckily David and Ross are handy electricians and were able to do all the electrical work themselves!

I will post my 21 week pic soon... but here are my pregnancy updates:

How far along: 21 weeks
Total weight gain: 13 lbs
Maternity clothes: This is happening almost full time now... can only get away with super stretchy non-maternity clothes
Stretch marks: None so far
Sleep: Sciatic nerve is killing me, but I did manage a 3.5 hour nap on Sunday :)
Best moment of this week: Anatomy ultrasound and finding out that Baby S is healthy and symmetrical (yes they used that word)
Miss anything: Getting a buzz off of wine... not gonna lie.
Movement: I feel him quite a bit. I think he is mostly awake from dinner time until the morning. Hopefully that changes before he is born!
Food cravings: Fruit, especially nectarines this week!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender: BOY!!!
Labor signs: Nope
Belly button in or out: In!!!
Wedding rings on or off: On 
Happy or moody most of the time: Pretty happy but also very tired.
Looking forward to: The garage being finished soon!

Here are some pics documenting the craziness of the week:


Lady was locked in the bedroom and Sully wanted to play :(
Little Lady cuddling with mommy
Baby Sanders Anatomy Ultrasound Pics Part 1
Baby Sanders Anatomy Ultrasound Pics Part 2
Early stages of the garage reno - Windows installed

Now for some random pics that I found and thought were cute enough to add to this week's blog (in no particular order):

I'm too lazy to stand up while I eat

They have learned to share carpet space for cookie time

Best Friends!

Crap - Dad caught us kissing!

I got you in a headlock little sis


Which one of us is the stuffed animal?

David and Dad's Snapper Fishing Trip!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Baby Sanders 18 Weeks!

I just love how Sully and Lady joined me in my bump pic this week!!! I didn't even have to ask :) They just follow me around everywhere these days. Such cuteness! I should really try to find a nicer place to take these pics but I do what is convenient.

How far along: 18 weeks
Total weight gain: Haven't weighed myself this week.
Maternity clothes: I try to make my stretchy work clothes work but it may be time to go buy some maternity slacks. I live in yoga pants otherwise!
Stretch marks: None so far
Sleep: Ok but my sciatic nerve pain has been making it hard
Best moment of this week: Starting my registry and starting our garage renovation! Also, I was able to go to SA on Monday night for Mom's surgery and to celebrate Dad's birthday which was Tuesday!
Miss anything: My patience
Movement: Still feeling some flutters and some other weird movements in there.
Food cravings: Mexican, Mexican, Mexican!!! (and doughnuts)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet: Yes my bump is getter bigger each day!
Gender: BOY!!!
Labor signs: Nope
Belly button in or out: In!!!
Wedding rings on or off: On 
Happy or moody most of the time: Moody and impatient
Looking forward to: Our garage being finished so I can start the baby room!

Baby Sanders 17 Weeks and Our 4th Anniversary!

This is my 17 week post although I'm posting it almost 2 weeks overdue. Oh well!   

How far along: 17 weeks
Total weight gain: 8 lbs- confirmed at my checkup with Dr. O.
Maternity clothes: Still wearing some pre-pregnancy clothes but mainly only the really stretchy stuff.
Stretch marks: None so far
Sleep: Still getting up a lot! I used to never wake up in the middle of the night so David's snoring wasn't a problem... now I find myself poking him a couple of times each night to tell him he's snoring and to roll over!
Best moment of this week: A lady at work (Karen) told me my bump was cute :) I was wearing my navy fitted dress. We also celebrated our 4th Anniversary.
Miss anything: Wine (more than just a few sips)
Movement: I felt my first flutters! We went to Gringo's with Ross on Friday and I definitely felt something in there. ALIEN!!!!
Food cravings: Mexican food (esp. jalapenos) which explains Gringo's above. I probably have Gringo's once a week these days.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet: I have a little bump
Gender: BOY!!! Still deciding on a name. It is such a hard decision.
Labor signs: Nope
Belly button in or out: In!!!
Wedding rings on or off: On 
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy this week but starting to get tired easily.
Looking forward to: Registering for baby stuff and finding a photographer for our little boy's debut!
David and I also celebrated our 4 year anniversary on Thursday, May 29th. We went to Vic & Anthony's for dinner. It was so yummy. This is the first year we didn't do "gift" gifts. We just treated ourselves to a nice dinner. When David picked me up from work he did bring me a nice flower bouquet and sweet card! Unfortunately, I forgot to get a pic of us at dinner. We ordered the crab cake appetizer, we each had a steak (David had the bone-in Ribeye and I had a filet with Bacon and bleu cheese butter melted on top), au gratin potatoes, an heirloom tomato salad, and complimentary cheesecake for dessert. It was delicious!