Friday, March 28, 2014

Baby Sanders and More...

Wow, where do I even begin??? I never thought I would take the time to create a blog, but now I feel like I have a real purpose for creating one.. not only to document my life, but to document the story of our future baby's life to share with family and friends (and our future baby one day)... Yes, David and I are pregnant! I'm beyond excited and thank God every single day for this little miracle in my belly.

Let me back up a bit....

Before finding out that I was pregnant, David and I were going back and forth about getting a new puppy. We bit the bullet on February 1st and ended up making Lady Sanders the newest member of our family. What a cutie pie she is!! So glad the baby will get to grow up with Lady!

her first bath experience - what a good daddy
Ummmm Mom... Dad...what is this thing on MY bed????

Lady met Nonna and Nonno for the first time when my parents came in town to celebrate my mom's birthday on the weekend of February 22nd. We went to Lake Charles, LA to gamble and have some fun! We stayed at L'Auberge du Lac (little did I know that I was already pregnant at this time).

Before we left Houston, my Mom made this awesome rap song:

Even though it was Mom's birthday, I was the big winner!!! I won $600. I said I was going to buy a Roomba with my winnings but that didn't happen. Mom refused to give up my slot machine, so in an effort to keep her seat, Dad went and ate dinner alone while we continued playing, and then he took over our machine while we had dinner ha! Unfortunately, it did not pay off again that night, but Mom kicked butt on a nickle machine later that night! She was up and then down. She determined to get her money back before we left though. Fortunately, Mom won on Sunday before we left and pretty much broke even. YAY!

My Win!!
2400 Credits = $600!!!
Mom's WIN!!!

family photo

I was supposed to start my cycle while we were in Lake Charles but it never came. I wasn't sure what was happening, but it led to an eventful next week!

Monday - David was offered a full-time position as his maritime firm!
Tuesday - David was offered the internship at the immigration firm he was patiently waiting to hear a response from
Wednesday - I met Natalie for dinner at Escalantes!! She had just come back from Abu Dhabi and was waiting for visa approval to move to London. I noticed at dinner I was feeling very tired. It was hard to stay awake at 8:30!!! I knew something was weird, so when I got home I told David I was going to take a pregnancy test just for the hell of it.

It came back POSITIVE!!!! I started screaming at David to come into the bathroom. I told him the test said I was pregnant. My response was tears, his was "NO SHIT!?"

Immediately he suggested we go to CVS to get other brands of tests to cross-check the results. They all came back positive!!

At this point it was 11PM but we HAD to call our parents. We FaceTime'd my mom and dad and said we had to show them the puppy (then turned the camera to the pregnancy tests). They were super excited and couldn't sleep all night! Next we FT'd Laura (David's mom) and she was so excited too and told us she had been praying about it! :) Last, but not least, we called Ross (David's dad) and he was stoked about becoming a Pawpaw!

A few weeks back we had already made plans to go to Galveston for the weekend to celebrate Mardi Gras. Since Lady was so little, we asked her Mimi (not sure if that name is going to stick) to watch our little puppy.

That Friday, Laura came to our house for the weekend to babysit our puppies while we met up with Ross, Aunt Liz and Michael in Galveston. We had a blast and I didn't mind being the DD!!!

Aunt Liz made these awesome hats. Everyone loved them and I would find random people taking our picture (weird but fun!).

On March 10th I had my first ultrasound. David went with me. It was a very exciting moment to confirm that the pregnancy was viable. It was too soon to hear the heartbeat but you could see the heart flickering on the u/s screen. We got our first baby picture and video!