Thursday, August 21, 2014

Baby Sanders 29 Weeks!!!

Today I am 29 weeks and 1 day pregnant!!! Not sure where the time has gone but it's flown by! 

I've had a lot happen since my last post... some of it a bit dramatic, but overall everything is going well.

I was 25 weeks and 1 day pregnant when my dr. called me at work and told me to go to the hospital. My results from the glucose test the day before were off the charts and the dr. was concerned about baby Levi and me. I went to the hospital to get my blood sugars checked again and they were still high and I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. My stay ended up being 5 days long where my days consisted of ordering food, getting insulin shots, eating food, testing blood sugars and looping the hospital floors for some exercise. The cool thing about it was that they monitored him twice a day so I got to hear his little heartbeat a lot! Once the dr.'s thought they got my insulin dose where it needed to be I was released. It was a very stressful time because this happened during David's bar exam and the days leading up to it. I was so thankful when I was released and cried when I saw Sully and Lady waiting for me in the front window when I got home.

Here are some pics from my hospital stay:
Levi's first 4D ultrasound the specialist did upon my admittance to the hospital. Isn't he cute?!!

My IV - I accidentally moved when she put it in and blood squirted all over (whoopsies)

One of my first hospital approved diabetic breakfast meals

Hospital selfies - why not?

My room (and mom on the phone filling in all of her friends)

Hospital approved lunch - surprisingly, the food was not terrible

Flowers from work

Flowers from Court

Flowers from Mel

Flowers from Kristin

Flowers from Gram and Aunt Liz

Flowers from Laura and Glen

My insulin instructions - luckily they prescribed me the pens so I didn't even need this

All in all I'm to watch my diet, take insulin, test my blood sugars regularly, and see a specialist (Dr. Kirshon-I get a 4D ultrasound each visit) and Dr. O every 2 weeks. I never thought I would be okay giving myself 5 shots a day and pricking my finger even more than that but I just think about Levi when I do it and how it's the best thing for him. David has gotten really good at giving me my insulin in my arm to the point where I don't even feel it so that helps too!

Here is my 29 week questionnaire - picture to come later:
How far along: 29 weeks
Total weight gain: 27 lbs (eek!!! the dr.'s aren't concerned and say it's a side effect of the insulin + Levi had a growth spurt... he weighs 3 lbs 3 ounces now)
Maternity clothes: The only thing that fits now besides yoga pants and David's sweatpants/jersey shorts.
Stretch marks: None so far
Sleep: Not good. My hip has really been bothering me but I'm going to get a neuromuscular massage next week. Can't wait
Best moment of this week: Seeing Dr. Kirshon and learning that my amniotic fluid is now back to a normal level and that Levi is only measuring 5 days ahead of schedule instead of 10!
Miss anything: Sleep and not worrying... I know I will be worrying about him every day for the rest of my life.
Movement: I feel him multiples times a day. It makes me happy.
Food cravings: Sweets bc I know I can't have most of them (oh, and real sugar in my coffee)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender: BOY!!!
Labor signs: Maybe some Braxton-Hicks but I don't know how to tell.
Belly button in or out: In!!!
Wedding rings on or off: On 
Happy or moody most of the time: Very emo recently.
Looking forward to: His room being painted so I can move everything in!
Other fun stuff:

David finished the bar exam!!!! His test was from July 29th-31st and we are both so glad it's over with!

Luckily I made it out of the hospital in time to celebrate my 30th (gasp) birthday. I went back to work for 1 day (August 1st) to get things squared away before my week long vacation and my sweet friends had decorated my desk and got me ice cream (yes I can have that even with gestational diabetes) to celebrate my bday!

David and I wanted to combine my bday celebration, the bar exam completion, and our babymoon so we stayed 2 nights at the Houstonian hotel over my bday weekend. It was very relaxing. Laura watched the puppies for us and when we got back home she helped us move everything out of the back 2 rooms for the wood floor install! 
Complimentary fruit

Complimentary Sparkling Cider (Martinelli's - my favorite!)

Cool part of our room

I met Michael Jackson (I look top heavy here)

Before my birthday dinner @ Maggiano's
Wood floors in back room
I had the next week off from work and Mom, Dad and Michael came to visit. David had to leave unexpectedly on a work trip to North Carolina to inspect a boat accident so it was nice to have my family around so I wouldn't be alone. Our plan was to do a bunch of stuff in the baby room but that was overtaken by dr.'s appointments and such. We still had fun though! Dad came later on in the week and did some paint touch ups in the baby's bathroom. It looks great. (pictures below)

That weekend, August 9th, was our first baby shower. It was a couples shower hosted by Courtney, Natalie and Jennifer. Everything was amazing! These ladies are awesome at hosting a party. All the little details made it so much fun and all the great friends that came out made it so memorable. Levi made out like a bandit! How did we not snag a pic of the hosts? Courtney maybe you have some pics?
so cute!!!

A cowboy and gentleman! I think I caught Aaron off guard!

Stacey and GMC

Mel and Aaron

Kelly and me

Colton and Devin

with the Shellenbargers!

Laura, Brittany and Randall

action shot

Take 1

Greg, Brittany, Jeff, Brandon and Laura
Brandon, David, Mike, Crystal, George

Leigh and Ivay

Brad and Lindsey

Mike wanted another shot

Angela and Mark

The dessert spread!

the very handsome cake!!! Love it!

I went back to work on the 11th. I thought I would dread it but it was nice to get back into a normal groove after all the chaos the weeks before. The week was pretty chill but I had one scare with high blood pressure. It must have been from too much salt that day bc I have not been overly swollen or had too high blood pressure since (knock on wood). 

This last weekend we went to College Station to celebrate Laura's birthday. It was fun to see the family and the food was great! We also got to see a slideshow of some old pics of the Hoyle family growing up which was cool. (I need to copy some of the pics we took that night to add them here)

The house is getting back in order. 
Dad's paint job

Wood floors in guest room (ignore the clothes drying)

Levi's room awaiting new paint, dresser and decorations

Bathroom is coming back together
Lady wanted some selfies:

Levi's first package from his book exchange:

On Tuesday this week we saw the specialist again and he checked on little Levi. Everything is looking great so far which makes me very happy. Here are some pics of him from the last few weeks:

 27 Weeks


29 Weeks