Monday, October 5, 2015

Levi - Months 8-11 & More

My little booger is 11 months old already!! It's been hard to find the time to blog. Lack of sleep due to teething, ear infections and baby gas has been real in this house, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Levi is our everything and we love him more than we could have ever imagined.

Since my last post Levi has experienced many new and exciting things:

- He started going to Primrose in June. He loves school and flaps his arms and legs when we walk in the door. Although the dreaded day care illnesses have run their course in our house, we think Levi has grown a lot in these last few months. He started out in the "Infant II" classroom, and just last week transitioned to the "Toddler" class. Like a champ, Levi started crawling a week ago right before transitioning so we weren't so worried about him being around the other crawlers and walkers.

- He has gotten his 2 bottom teeth and is working on his top. Hopefully those suckers pop through soon so we can all get some rest. In the mean time, he gets relief by biting us.

- He started crawling at the end of September. He worked so hard for that. Some nights it seemed he wanted to stay up late to practice because he was so determined to get it down. I'd lay him in bed when he was super tired, and he'd get up on all fours and rock back and forth trying to figure out how to move himself. At first he would only crawl a few moves backwards, so that was funny to watch.

- Levi eats table food!! He pretty much resists the pureed baby food and wants whatever we are having. Some of his favorites have been my pot roast, chicken and dumplings, and he did get to try a Chick-fil-A nugget and loved it. He also loves his sweet potatoes, avocado, and bananas and much, much more. Oh, and Cheerios! He loves his Cheerios. He also drinks out of a sippy cup now and loves ice water. It's fun watching him take a sip and see his face light up from the cold water.

- Peek-a-boo is one of his favorite games. He'll even hide his own face with his shirt or a blanket and play with you.

- His favorite book is "On the Night You Were Born." He will filter through the other books to find that one so we will read it to him.

- Throwing his sippy cup on the floor is another fun game of his. He knows he's not supposed to but finds it pretty funny. The other day we went through the process about ten times... Levi throws cup on floor, mom says "no" and returns cup to high chair tray. I try to maintain a serious face, but once he raises his eyebrow at me and cracks a smile I can't help but laugh. Makes me wonder what I'm going to be in for in the years to come.

- Cuddling - Levi is a Cuddle Bug!! He loves morning snuggles and I often find him snuggled up on David's chest in the morning.

Can't believe this little dude is turning 1 year old this month. He's been the biggest blessing in our lives.

8 Months

9 Months

10 Months
11 Months

First boat ride - Memorial Day Weekend

Sink Bath!!

Boys and Boats

Jimmy Buffett

Anniversary Dinner @ Prohibition

1st Day of School - Primrose Infant II Class

Levi's Crib Poster @ School

Little Bunny eating his carrot

David's 1st Father's Day

Hugs for Everyone

4th of July Parade at School

4th of July @ Surfside Beach

Sam, David, Levi, Lady & Sully

Checking out the dogs

Kiddie Pool @ the Neighborhood Pool

After some "swimming"

So handsome

Birthday Lunch for me :)

Couldn't handle the grocery store

Momma and Baby Selfie

Salmon, Rice & Green Bean Dinner

Still loves bath time

Nonno's Pranks while Mom was away

Handsome dudes

Levi meets Unkie

His favorite place


School Lunch

School Playground

Coloring at school

Game Day Ready